Unexpectedly, a dog interrupts a woman’s birthday surprise, pleading to be rescued

Tyler Hagood, Brianna Hagood’s spouse, had prepared a nice weekend at the beach for his partner’s birthday. The two were delighted since it was the perfect opportunity to unwind a little, but they would discover something that would disrupt their plans along the road.

Brianna noticed a dog without a collar walking around the parking lot when they stopped to get some dinner.

Brianna stated to The Dodo:

“I glanced at Tyler and exclaimed, BABY! He answered, No, honey, let’s go to the beach! As I walked to the window, I raised my voice a bit eagerly, remembering: I can save that puppy if I want since it’s my birthday!”

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

The cashier approached the window to accept the order at that time, and despite her astonishment, she said Tyler: She should save that puppy It’s her birthday! Furthermore, she stated that the puppy had been in the parking lot all morning, which prompted Brianna to assist him.

The woman got out of the car and walked over, and the dog followed, wagging his tail, and they both sat on a platform in the parking lot. Brianna had no doubt that the dog would join them on their journey and thereby assist him in getting off the streets.

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

Tyler went to get the food and then parked close where Brianna was sitting with the prettiest and friendliest dog on the property.

Brianna stated:

“I unlocked the vehicle door and asked him if he wanted to get in, and before I could finish asking, he was in my car and sat…”

Apparently, the choice was decided from the start, because Brianna was eager to aid the dog as soon as she stepped out of the car.

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

The pair took the time to inquire at the various establishments in the area and learned a little more about the dog. But everyone said the same thing: it appeared in the morning and no one knew where it came from or who it belonged to.

On their way to the hotel, the couple stopped at a veterinary facility to see whether he had a microchip, but he didn’t.

So the next destination was a Walmart, where they would stock up on supplies for the dog’s weekend stay.

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

Fortunately, they had considered taking their pet to the ride but changed their minds, so they had reserved a dog room at the hotel. This fact suggests that fate had everything planned for this rescued dog, and he seemed to enjoy the attention.

They then relaxed inside the room, and their new companion did not hesitate to sit next to them, as if he knew precisely what he should do.

Brianna became more in love with the puppy with each passing minute, and Tyler did as well, albeit unexpectedly.

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

Brianna continued:

“I heard Tyler playing with him while I washed my teeth and prepared to go to bed, and when I came out of the bathroom, Tyler had welcomed the puppy to bed…”

Tyler’s heart knew it was the wisest choice, since otherwise they would have spent the entire trek worrying about the parking lot dog.

The pair snuggled with the dog all night before joining them for the birthday celebrations the next day.

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

During the day, the dog pretended to know the couple for a long time, but they would soon discover their true family. As it turned out, a family reacted on a social media post Brianna had made, so on their way home, they left him in his true home.

They discovered that the dog’s name was Blu and that he had escaped from the yard while his relatives were at work. Brianna was sad to say goodbye to her new buddy, but she was also relieved to have discovered her own family.

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

Tyler and his wife came home after a wonderful weekend, but the story did not end there. Blu’s family contacted them once more, asking if they wanted to adopt him because things were not going as planned.

Everyone knew Blu had helped them a lot, and the couple quickly accepted the proposal and made plans to receive it.

CREDIT: Brianna Hagood

Brianna stated,

“Blu came to our house on Thursday and fits well; he always remains by my waist… He’s the best guy and we love him.”

Brianna believed in her heart all weekend that Blu was a gift from fate, and she was undoubtedly right.

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